You may have noted that your definition from the interwebs had 2 parts, one dealing with the law and the other dealing with morality/ethics.
since we are discussing the law, the definiton based in morality simply does not apply.
I've recopied what you posted because apparently you've not really read what you posted, and simplified it for ease of reading (again, because you clearly did not read it the first time):
1.not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful.
2. disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons.
Get it now? When discussing matters of law (as we are doing here), definition 1 applies. When we are discussing what you believe to be right/wrong, please feel free to use definition 2. Remember, those are 2 entirely different things.
Why are you locked in to illicit always means illegal?
Why do you say morality simply does not apply?
Laws are in fact moral decisions.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”
Is abortion legal? Sure is. Is it illicit?
You honestly are arguing it is not?