EVERY time Trump makes a statement like this he becomes headline news and spends nary a dime to get wall to wall bumper to bumper coverage by the MSM.
In turn, at the same time that he does this, he casts a shadow over Cruz in the eyes of those who may just wonder if he really might NOT be eligible to run.
In any event, he doesn't seem to hurt himself, as been proven again and again.
In the meantime, most of you Cruz-bots continue to make comments like "What a nutjob."
It's actually becoming comical.
It does prove Trump seems to easily out think his competition and gets maximum media coverage without spending a dime.
"Rock On" Donald J.
Welcome to the age of a largely vapid clown car culture we have become where yes you too can be a noticed somebody with a 10 second blurb or video. Where yes your knowledge of world events comes fully delivered via a Twitter feed. Where any research is now secondary and everyone are now self avowed experts in any chosen field! And let’s not forget any adolescent insult or high school drama can be played out for the world to see receiving instant gratification.
the culture and everything about it has gone to complete hell
“It does prove Trump seems to easily out think his competition”
All he’s doing is proving himself to be a crybaby and convincing a significant portion of the Republican base that he’s gonna need in the general election to stay home.