I had a talk at a dinner party with some guy who spoke of how dangerous the Southern Border is. This was now 5 years ago.
He said he would never go there again, and he’d been on a business trip that was innocuous and should not have been unsafe at all.
I don’t know what happened.
Then again, if you recall, 0bama shook the hand of the Lead Archaeologist in Mexico, and the guy died 3 days later.
0bama has scrubbed records, deleted references, contracts for and of trainers and experts on Islam, wording about Islam and terrorism. Soon, he’ll not only ban children’s books from pre-1984, as he did in 2009; he’ll ban all text and speech antithetical to Islam, and burn what is-or behead people.
I wouldn’t shed a tear if Washington DC was his by an asteroid. In fact I might even cheer. There is not a single soul there who is protecting the Constitution.