1) Green footprint? Fuel consumption is gonna be nasty.
2) What will the body design be? In particular so the body doesn't melt or catch fire at Mach 24.
3) Have they heard about this at Area 51?
4) I guess this plane will never have enough fuel to go into a holding pattern no matter how backed up the airport is.
5) What are the g-forces on the passengers during acceleration?
6) I guess there won't be time for a beverage cart: but *all* the seats (and the fuselage, and the wings...) will most definitely be "smoking".
Get a horse!
The UK is finished. We don’t need to be giving their immigrants easy access to the USA.imo
Like the Sanger Silbervogel?
Luggage? For the $400,000 for a 40lb bag you could buy a whole new wardrobe landing.
4) no problem at backed up airports. They can grease it onto the runway at Mach 3 in between the regular jets.
Fly from New York to London in 11 MINUTES, but your Luggage will Arrive 11 hours later, maybe.
Canadian Geese- what happens when.......
These would be good designs for a video game. Other than that it is ridiculous.
On that train all graphite and glitter
Undersea by rail
Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
Well by seventy-six we’ll be A.O.K.
What a beautiful world this will be
What a glorious time to be free
What a bunch of jerkoffs at the Daily Mail to even publish something this stupid. That generally goes for the entire country and their love of all things sensational, stupid, and meaningless.
Around 25 but since the passengers will be given a short-acting hypnotic and be lying prone on a custom-fitted memory foam pad, with metered oxygen and N2O, the awareness will be minimal.
Main design flaw: There’s no reason for anyone to go to London. Who wants to get beheaded or raped?
Looks great on paper....
More than likely a working matter transporter will be globally available this century.
First guess is only the military and the police will have it first. Then the wealthy, then doctors, then politicians.
Then they will tax it, restrict it or.....its already out there but suppressed.....
Would make for a really good novel, or a movie.