A bible of the anti-news bias movement back then was a book called “News Twisters” by Edith Efron. She wrote articles for “TV Guide” back then and her book detailed out in script form actual excerpts from television news indicating bias against Nixon or the third party candidate for President in 1968, Alabama Governor George Wallace.
Wallace got 14 percent of the popular vote with Nixon narrowly beating Hubert Humphrey in 68.
The Republican apparatus wanted to suck in the conservative Wallace voters for 1972 so the book milked the resentment over media bias against Wallace, too.
George McGovern and the young hippies like Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham who helped him didn’t know what hit em in that election.
But I think they learned from their youthful experience as big losers.
it’s funny you say that,
it seems like the rapist sounded more center than he does now.
and certainly more center than his wife does now.
and she is STILL considered not liberal enough!!
i appreciate the insight into the media world at the time of those elections, fascinating.