DT will harm the US in so many ways. I do not understand the blind trust. There is absolutely nothing factual to base it on. But DT makes them “feel”.
When DT’s supreme court accelerates to lefties favor, when our rights are further stripped, when gun rights are being overturned it will be too late.
You nailed right there with “feel.” This is just what happened when Bam Bam came on the scene with his hope and change. He made them feel. GOD help us if Trump decides to change back to a liberal if he is elected.
Why don't you direct a tenth of your ire towards the twin racketeers Hillary Rodham Clinton and William Jefferson Clinton, instead of candidate Trump? Both of these career criminals have spent a lifetime gaming our laws and systems, wrecking entire institutions in their quest for the all mighty dollar. Furthermore, compromising national security at the expense quite possibly of people's lives. You can add that SOB in the rainbow hut to the list of traitors most associated with damaging our nation and it's people.
As I referenced in a previous post-
Ted Cruz would make a fine officer with a pedigree comparable to a First Lieutenant, and Donald Trump (is) a Four Star General in comparison.
In reflection, I would grant Ted Cruz four promotions to Full Bird Colonel. Unfortunately, a four star general is four additional ranks above the rank of colonel.
Donald Trump is no Barack Obama.
We aren't the LIV/zombies that YOU try to make us out to be.
2016 isn't 2008.
Agreed: Trump is a buffoon.
Your kidding I hope. SS protection for high level Presidential candidates is needed to preserve our constitutional process of electing our executive. I would not like to see the top contenders without it.