I'd rather see an in-balance market with privately owned farms producing foods that aren't poisoning us. I'd rather not have corn syrup making a high percentage of our foods inedible and ethanol lowering MPG and gumming up engines.
But you know what? At this juncture in our history, we need to solve the problems of globalization, the invasion, blood-sucking corporate entities destroying US entrepreneurship and getting US citizens back to work.
Then the problem that price supports prevents can be addressed. But to not support family farmers now would be a disaster, much like what we're seeing with the glut of oil destroying small producers and the good jobs they provide.
Wait a minute, cowboy. Ethanol subsidies support the globalist, scum-sucking corporate entities you allegedly oppose.
Engines are lasting longer than ever and fuel economy is better than ever and food prices are deflationary. Ethanol is not causing any of the problems you attribute to it. It is, however, keeping our food prices, our food supplies, and our food industry stable. Injecting politics into the food supply like this is dangerous.