Damn we need a president.
for later
Mr. niteowl77
Being a Marine I call bullshit on this!!
The Marines I know well say are you kidding me no and no but most likely in more colorful language
But okay, I'll bite. If we really wanted to reduce accidental shooting, and/or shootings by people who take guns from family members, then why not a government program to distribute free (or at least subsidized) trigger locks?
Not a perfect solution, but it is a solution that would not infringe on anyone's right to own a gun, and likely would reduce firearm deaths. So why don't the gun grabbers push that?
I'll tell you why -- because it might seem as if they were tacitly tolerating gun ownership, and making it appear that guns can be made more safe is not an idea they want to promulgate.
And if unlocked guns lead to some extra deaths...well, that just helps build the case for more gun control!
I smell the rank odor of corruption...
Which side was former Sgt. Matthew Hess on?
100% total blowback on Twitter. LOL.
This rag in no way represents the “United States Marine Corps” it is owned by Sightline Media Group, formerly Gannett Government Media.
It publisher is Elaine Howard
Is this another one of those military rags that looks official but is actually published by Gannett?
Is Marine Corp Times another Leftist Gannett publication as is the Stars & Stripes?
What we need:
Repeal the National Firearms Act.
Repeal the Gun Control Act.
Repeal the Hughes Amendment.
These simple, commonsense actions are a necessary good first step toward reasonable gun control laws in these United States.
No surprise - the (Navy/Air Force/Marine) Times is a liberal paper. Last week’s cover was titled ‘Who do you want for President’ with pics of all of the candidates. Trump’s pic was all the way at the bottom, last.
I would love to heart R. Lee Ermey’s opinion on this.
Clearly the Marine Times is part of this new Marine Corps. The time was when every Marine was a rifleman and recruits were taught combat operations entailed applying and enduring unimaginable brutality until victory. Now the Corps is committed to discovering opportunities for social engineering. The below link gives another example of just how far the rot has spread. From now on I will always discourage men from entering any branch of the Armed Forces.
Marine Corps boot camp, job titles to be gender neutral by April
Be sure to check out the photo of Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. He looks to me like someone who should be holding personnel seminars at Health and Human Services. I would not want to have anything to do with the gooey product resulting from the fulfillment of his vision. I think it is time to retire the service dress blues for a mauve uniform with a pink stripe and fashionable French berets. Considering the defense secretary claimed a long period of study and vigorous debate, I maintain discussion was among those mutually supportive creatures that have metastasized throughout the military to serve the LGBT and feminist social agendas. Most of the points I highlight below about women in combat first arose when the decision was imposed to do away with DADT. A lot of good men are going to have to die in years to come to cover up this needless disaster.
The military newspapers are not affiliated with the military at all. Just don’t buy it.
Funny since every Marine I know owns several.
what America needs is President control
I agree. For a start, there should be a requirement for a license to not carry a concealed- or otherwise- weapon.