I see nothing confusing about it. Any child born in the United States under any circumstances is a NBC and can become President provided he meets all the other criteria.
I read your opinion and say “WHAT???”. I’m not sad you’re interpretation would eliminate foreign-born, but it points out that there are so many views that there’s probably not a majority one. It needs clarity; nobody could say that better and more clearly than Huckabee just did.
So any anchor baby who is raised with alligence to another country can be president in your view?
So if your statement above is true, then are children of foreign ambassador's eligible to be president?
I was all supportive of all you said in post #3, but what you are saying in post #24 is wrong and it's inserting in the wrong stuff that confuses people and makes this issue more complicated than it is. To be Natural Born that child "born in the United States" must also owe allegiance to the USA. There are situations where that child would not owe any allegiance to the USA, one situation being the child of a foreign diplomat.
I see nothing confusing about it. Any child born in the United States under any circumstances is a NBC and can become President provided he meets all the other criteria.
Natural born citizen is one born in the country to citizen parenst