this will make for some entertaining reading 20 years down the pike.
another Trans human sort of.....alleged theory
artificial intelligence was supposed to debut by 2005 what happened?
This paper is discussing transporting the memory/consciousness of a microorganism. These are stimulus/response creatures, whose "memory" contains a byte or two of information at most.
It has been estimated that the typical human consciousness contains 2.5 to 3 petabytes of information. that is 2.5 times 10 to the 15th power, or 2,500,000,000,000,000 bytes or 2,500 terabytes.
So, first we need to figure out how to actually access all of this information (the "download" alone could presumably take years for an individual), then someone needs to invent a quantum computer that lasts long enough to do anything with it.
As with many thought experiments in quantum physics, the purpose isn't actually to invent a working transporter. But exercises like this do sometimes lead to unexpected breakthroughs in other areas.