Obama is absolutely unqualified, but that fact has absolutely nothing to with his birth or the Constitution. And absolutely nothing to do with Ted Cruz, unless you are a tool of the Left.
There's a great deal of wisdom in the Framers' choice to restrict the office the way they did, and Obama is living proof of it. The public is still stinging from the lesson.
The steenking public had their chance in 2008. The Reverend Wright story should have torpedoed Obama. It didn't. And you think some cockamamie, false, obscure Constitutional argument should have? Get real!
Woody, the reason America became the greatest country in the history of the world, is because the Framers founded it upon timeless, natural principles.
Their decision to restrict the office of president to only those who are born on American soil to two American citizen parents, was the very best insurance they could devise, to keep the power of that office from falling into the hands of someone with divided loyalties.
They were some of the wisest men of their time, and indeed, have proven to be much wiser than so many Americans of the modern era, who so casually brush their prescriptions aside.