Cruz has said that legal immigration at current levels is unsustainable. We don’t have the infrastructure nor the social structure to support them.
Perhaps in the last few weeks, but I have not seen the quote or the link on Free Republic, and I'm hearing this for the first time.
Please remember that immigration has been my number one issue for more than 10 years at Free Republic.
Two years ago, right here at Free Republic, I published the unpleasant facts about Cruz's immigration policies - namely, the 2013 You Tube videos, the 2013 Texas Tribune article about his speech in El Paso, and the 2013 interview with a Conservative columnist for the online Houston Chronicle.
Now, if you are telling me that Cruz has had a 180 degree change of heart since 2013, if you are telling me that Cruz is utterly sincere about his new immigration policies, which appeared for the first time about four months ago, well, that's a different subject, and I will be happy to learn from you.
However, if you want to debate what Cruz's immigration policies used to be in 2013, well, you will be debating an expert, and you will not enjoy experience, like several dozen other Freepers who have tried the same thing with me.