Morning joe said the add was creepy. I thought the add was clever and great.
But I’m still voting for Trump.
IMHO, Morning Joe is creepy.
In rapid succession...the opening faces of Hillary and Obama were really creepy. Then the full-face photos of the two San Bernardino shooters were likewise creepy....then the totally grainy clip of the sinister, shadowy black figures crossing the Moroccan border like ants en masse was creepy...ending with the Donald leaning forward and down from a podium with a creepy posture gesticulating wildly with his "make America great again" line.
I'm the greatest Trump supporter on this forum, and the above critique of the ad is from a neutral, "professional" assessment, not personal at all. I enjoy evaluating ALL political ads as I used to be in the business.
In short, I think the ad stinks...his fans like it, the Left hates it..... but as far as it's an effort at garnering undecided votes, I rate the ad at about a 3 on a scale of 10.
And yes, Joe, it IS dark and creepy...and falls short of what I avidly expected....but whatever floats the viewers' boats......