Why are there unarmed police officers at America's busiest airport?
1980's police tactics were to withdraw from major armed confrontations, secure the perimeter, and wait for SWAT.
Problem is, as SWAT call-out took a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes.
San Bernadino, Charlie Habdo, and other incidents have now taught us that the conflictual situation will be over in less than 3 minutes. The LEO who gets there first has to be able to deal with the situation NOW!
O'Hare and Midway would be prime terr targets. Rahm's orders are, first, be very outgunned. (AK v. nothing) .... and then someone else will take care of it next Tuesday.... maybe! .
note to terrorists.....
Seriously, why are they unarmed? and what could they do?
Deliberately misleading headline.
Liberals projecting their own cowardice.
This is like life immitating art.
This commercial was out before this story made the news. Have you seen the commercial, where a bank is being robbed and the people lying on the floor are asking the uniformed security guard to do something, and he says he is just a bank "monitor"and his job is to tell people if the Bank is being robbed.
He then looks at the robbers and says to the people lying on the floor. The bank is being robbed. -Tom
Bad guys with guns should be met with:
A) Good guys with guns
B) unarmed lackeys hiding behind doors
C) innocent travelers minding their own business
D) a stern reprimand by a feckless politician after the fact
That’s comfortin’. %O(
Here’s the source article.
Guidance to unarmed aviation police: Run and hide
They’re paid handsomely to take risks in a job that isn’t all that risky from an actuarial perspective. So then they take the money while the union obsesses about “officer safety” and negotiates bizarro-world standards for “feeling threatened” as somehow justifies the use of deadly force.
so why are they there ? Save a Ton of Money and get rid of the 300 Police Officers . It seems the passengers are on their own anyway
Most O’Hare cops won’t be able to figure out which way to run anyway
This is the first place that calls them 'sworn officers'?
They are not members of the police union.
Simply a money grab by the union.
Matt Brandon, secretary-treasurer of the Service Employees International Union Local 73, which represents the aviation police officers, said he doesn't understand why the officers are prohibited from carrying guns.
If my "security" people are killed by terrorists after I forced them to disarm, am I responsible for their deaths?
Are these cops or cub scouts?
And O’Bamarama is planning to seize the law abiding public’s guns but not those belonging to the narcoterrorists and hiphop rapping wannabes of Chicago.
Guns are workplace requirement for that privileged class.
Yet in another article here on F.R.,”TSA PAT DOWN & GROPPING of 10 YEAR OLD GIRL”. What the &%#$ is going on.
I would not comply with such an order.
Thanks - makes the traveling public feel safe.
I like it. If being disarmed in Chicago is good for citizens, then it’s safe enough that police don’t need guns.
Make the overseers live like they force we peons to live.