[[The ruling justifies the organ harvesting by citing cannibalism it says earlier Islamic scholars allowed, saying, "A group of Islamic scholars have permitted, if necessary, one to kill the apostate in order to eat his flesh, which is part of benefiting from his body."]]
Savages. I hope Putin does nuke them.
Islam. The religion of pieces.
Sorry to report. This fatwa was based on an earlier fatwa sanctioning “ consuming an infidel of apostate’s flesh to save a Muslims life”.
Ah yes, the upward evolution of mankind. These people are far worse than animals - they are demon possessed.
Human sacrifice is not only permitted by islam but is demanded by it’s god and prophet. Killing infidels and giving ones life to and for their god and prophet is human sacrifice.
And yet godless progressives like to claim that this it is the same God of life worshiped by Jews and Christians.
I’m sure Hussein would be happy to negotiate the import of the organs into the US, and I am sure there are medical facilities that would be happy to use them.
“ISIS issues fatwa on organ harvesting, rape of slaves”
Why did I even entertain a glimmer of Hope at that headline?