Gotta pay for votes received from the FSA.
Why work when you can just vote Democrat?
Because only the people govt confiscates money from have to work.
All paid for by massive government debt, supported by an unbacked, fiat, paper currency and the socialized monetary system manipulated by the central planners at the Federal Reserve.
This will ONLY be fixed when we return our monetary system to a free-market one, outside of bankers’ and government’s control
Until then, conservatives should expect to continue to lose every major economic and social battle they face.
But they can still vote twice in elections, right?
Holy Crap Batman, why would they ever want something going on that creates a work ethic? As Democrats we can’t have that.
Elections have consequences.
This is what happens when Santorum and Huckabee voters vote for the Democrat instead of voting for the Republican because he cheated on his wife several years back.
This guy ran to the right of David Vitter during the general election. Now that the election is over, Democrats do what Democrats do.
As ever, Democrats are the enemy of the good, the correct and the beautiful. They always are.
It isn’t worth the effort it takes to keep them vertical and moving.
Well. Well. Well. Chaos is returning to Louisiana. Edwards is an agent of Satan. Satan loves chaos!
The myopic and self-righteous voters of Louisiana fell for the seduction and exercised their desire to punish a sinner. They will punish themselves instead.
Work? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat sh!t.
why in HELL would anybody do THAT!???????
(excepting for persons with genuine disabilities, of course....2 Thessolonians 3:10)
The Dindoo’s wont do!
Not only have the states never delegated to the feds, expressly via the Constitution, the specific power to establish a national welfare program, but there's never been anything stopping the individual states from establishing their own 10th Amendment-protected welfare programs, doing so ultimately up to a given states legal majority voters.
So what Gov.-elect John Bel Edwards is actually doing, but probably does not understand what he is doing, is this. By accepting federal welfare funding for his state, Edwards is arguably recovering his states own revenues which corrupt Congress stole from his state though unconstitutional federal taxes.
In fact, a previous generation of state sovereignty-respecting justices had clarified the folowing limits on Congresss power to appropriate taxes. Congress is prohibited from appropriating taxes in the name of state power issues, essentially any issue which Congress cannot ustify under its constitutional Article I, Section 8-limited powers.
Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States. - Justice John Marshall, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824.
The reason that federal welfare programs exist is the following imo. The anti-constitutional republic Progressive Movement spooked low-information citizens to pressure state lawmakers to ratify the ill-conceived 17th Amendment (17A). And state lawmakers caved in and ratified 17A, foolishly giving up the voices of the state legislatures in Congress.
So now, after voters elect their favorite federal senators, they go home and watch football while corrupt senators rob their wallets. Senators do this by working in cahoots with the corrupt House to pass unconstitutional appropriations bills, bills that establish vote-winning welfare programs in this example, which Congress cannot justify under its Section 8-limited powers.
And I would also not be surprised if Edwards is making it easier for recipients to get unconstitutional federal welfare to win votes from low-information voters for the 2016 elections.
The ill-conceived 17th Amendment needs to disappear, and corrupt senators who hurt their states by helping the likewise corrupt House to pass unconstitutional appropriations bills, like the ones that established federal welfare programs, along with it.
Idiots in Louisiana wanted a Democrat and got a Democrat. Now enjoy being the only state across the entire South with that problem.
This is what the MSM calls a moderate. Equal blame goes to the GOP Establishment for being so quick to support his guy, albeit it not openly, and for David Vitter for being so egotistical that he thought he could waltz into the governorship without being called on his rank hypocrisy.
Well, he wrapped up the LAZY Vote.
I could not care less if the State wishes to remove the requirements; I DO care when the federal taxpayers are the ones shelling out the dough/$$.
I have a BIGGER concern the State AND Fedzilla trample upon the 5th A Rights of We the People rendering the taxpayers slaves (isn’t there another A. that dealt with this in the past??).