Your glaring error is thinking Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are similar candidates.
Similar candidates in that they both have high name recognition, huge negatives among voters and media that covers their every step. Hillary actually did have a ground game in Iowa that was not implemented at the last minute, so I think that's a difference between the two.
“Your glaring error is thinking Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are similar candidates.”
Trump’s statist Democrat views are clear - he is for Big Government and is a welfare state support, one of the biggest statists in the race. Trump said single payer worked in Scotland;Trump is for Obamacare-in-all-but-name. He supports corporate welfare and crony capitalism; supports the Kelo decision; opposes entitlement reforms and wants more not less money for many areas of Government. Trump endorsed McConnell in KY for the pork $$: “Kentucky Should Reelect Sen. McConnell Because He Gets So Many Earmarks”