Not especially surprising. For many Christians in Africa, they are only first or second generation Christian. The depth of theological training among MANY African ‘Pastors’ is shockingly shallow, so there is a LOT of misrepresentation of Jesus’ truth in Africa. Witness all the ‘prosperity’ preaching in Africa, and all the ‘signs and wonders’ ‘ministries’!
As an old acquaintance once said about Christian faith in Africa, it is ‘a mile wide and an inch deep’. Having tried to assist an African ‘Pastor’ in Calgary, with planting a church in a neighbourhood devoid of churches, I discovered this first hand.
I overlooked a number of ‘red flags’ concerning the Pastor’s training, attitude, and interpersonal skills, thinking that God can use even the proud to spread His message. After two years, where the Pastor blamed the congregation for a lack of growth of the church, I acknowledged that it was all about ‘his show’, not God’s. Now, I am back at a Bible-believing church, Centre Street.