That article completely misunderstands both economics as well as geopolitics.
Here is a crash course on both:
#1: a strong U.S. dollar means the same U.S. money buys more foreign imports.
In turn, that means that every export nation wants a strong Dollar because that sells more of their goods abroad.
#2: breaking the petro dollar would mean a lower, weaker U.S. Dollar. That means that the USA buys fewer imported goods and instead spends more money domestically.
#3: spending more U.S. money domestically improves the USA economy and harms the economies of all export nations and also crushes emerging economies.
#4: pro USA policies are for a weak U.S. Dollar in order to discourage the purchase of imports while improving the purchases of domestic goods.
#5: a petro dollar policy props up the value of the U.S. Dollar, improving the economies of export nations at the expense of the USA economy.
Conclusion: no one wants a petro Dollar policy.