Liberals look at Muslims and only see allies to help them destroy America. They are too blinded by their hatred of the US to see that the Muslims would behead them right along beside everyone else.
Actually, Muslims would (and, probably, will) behead liberals *before* they get to everyone else, because liberals are far more irreligious and debauched than Christian conservatives (People of the Book, in Islamic parlance).
Yup. I’ve said that many times here. Liberals are so supremely arrogant and stupid to believe that somehow they’re above it all and that Muslims will find common cause with liberalism and the liberals are stupid to somehow believe Muslims will acknowledge and defer to this alleged liberal enlightenment. Enlightenment, culture , sexual freedom, feminism , all the sacraments of the Left mean as much to a Muslim as a string of pearls does to an ape. Islam reveres nothing. It’s a rabid dog that attacks and destroys everything it comes in contact with.