Cut student loan funding and State University/College funding by 10% per year until such time as the administrators and educators drive some reasonable change into this corrupt, anti-American culture.
And all around the country, 16 people showed up, including a wino who thought there were going to be donuts and two horny guys scoping the hot acti-babes.
H/t maggief for this interview by Cavuto with a million student girl. They demand:
1. Free college
2. Complete forgiveness of college loans
3. $15 hour for college student jobs.
I bet soros is funding this. He'd give his fortune to destroy this and all countries. Have to wonder what his ultimate goal is.
Some one or some body needs to explain that if everyone gets $15 (plus $3) that their college degree wage earning value will drop as the slice of the pie leftover is smaller for them. Maybe they really only now think about equal compensation, but once they have their own live’s they care less about the masses.