People have said Trump has no ground game and yet he qualified a full slate in Alabama (and not everyone did) and here he is first to get his signatures in for another ballot.
just hmmmmm
He’s disproven just about every negative thing said about him. Except being a conservative. We may agree with him on many issues but he’s still not someone who will check all the conservative boxes.
I’ll still pull the lever for him though
Trump,Cruz,Rubio, and Carson have full slates in Alabama. Paul is missing a couple, and Jebby only has 29 of 47 slots filled. Kasich, Fiorina, Huckabee, and Christie are worse off and several have none such as Jindal, and Linseed
And, he was 15,000 qualified signatures over the required amount, to boot!
That’s telling!
Those that said Trump had no ground game were uninformed. I have heard his team is fully engaged.