I’d say it was close to being over for him, but as I know so well, it wasn’t over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, so he may just carry on ...
Ben, Dr Carson...
self destructing?
Jesus man, look at your accomplishments in life? Why are you doing this?
Imagine a major media outlet scoffing at some of the claims Barack or Michelle Obama have made of how they suffered in this horribly racist country.
He should’ve gone to the pyramids and picked up some grain.
This guy is flaming out...where the heck are his advisors?
I’m not that much younger than him but I never once saw a segregated water fountain. But then I was raised in the racist south and he was raised in the enlightened north.
He’s got a rather odd theory about the pyramids. Little by little kooky stuff is coming out. This is old but supposedly he still stands by this theory. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e6e_1446768869
Carson is NOT the front-runner!!
I’m sure that he’ll surge some more.
Carson's next absurd claim
Ben Carson absolutely could have seen segregated water fountains. Carson is 64 years old, which means he was 13-14 when Maryland v. Bell was decided (black kids in Baltimore arrested for being at a white diner).
It is funny though that CNN and other MSM would talk to his friends while growing up to determine the truth of his stories.
They went by the planeload to talk to people about Sarah Palin.
Where were they when Soetoro was running for President?
Did they investigate Clinton’s “burning black churches” claim????????
For those who remember, it was exactly four years ago at this time that Herman Cain reached the apogee of his campaign. Like Carson, he came out of nowhere and knocked off the frontrunner - at least for a short time.
But then in early November, the "bimbo eruptions" began to happen and by the time Thanksgiving rolled around, Cain folded up his campaign like a cheap suit and made haste for the hinterlands. But he also had some rather bizarre behavior towards the end. Almost like he felt he got himself in over his head and was looking for a reason to quit.
I guess it must be scary running for president as a lark and then suddenly realizing that you might just win.
Well, that didn’t take long.
I wonder whose race card he borrowed...Sharpton’s or Armstrong’s.
They’re trying to PALINIZE him.
The idea of a prominent, conservative BLACK man is huuuuuugely threatening to The Left.
Sounded more like book selling pitch to me.
I might care about this if and when the MSM go back and find those churches that Bill Clinton saw burn down, or discuss Hillary’s being named after Sir Edmund, or even discuss anything about Obama’s boyhood, eating dog and worshipping in mosques.
I’m not so sure he’s old enough to remember white and colored water fountains. He may have seen pictures or films.