Pretty much describes mainstream modern super hero fiction too. They try to make them so much like the everyday Joe that there’s very little special about them.
‘How do you believe in, let alone want to emulate someone who is already exactly like you?’
What would that be? A foul mouthed whore?!
Who is Amy Schumer?
What is Amy Schumer?
I always thought Amy “could” be funny. Some of her stuff is “shock” humor. And once you’ve heard it, its all the same.
I am not against a good dirty joke. Redd Foxx was probably the best at truly clever, but filthy jokes. And I am not that old...
I think her movie was good. I turned off the HBO special.
She will peak, and then settle down. The “slut” schtick is hard to pull off when you are in your late 40’s. Then its just sad.
Her message, as I heard was threefold:
1- I have a vagina and I'm ashamed of it, but I'll try to let anyone that wishes to use it.
2- I have a menstrual period and I'm proud of it and wish to shame any who say I should practice any type of positive hygiene while on it.
3- I'm a fat ass and and it's every body's fault, but my own.
No, not funny.
Just like all the other feminist comediennes, full of themselves, but with a deep down self-hatred, usually physically repugnant, not funny, with a foul mouth and a hatred for men.
And a tendency to "come out" at about age 38-45 years of age.
No thanks.
Gilda Radner had more talent in her little pinky than this Amy chick does.
I’ve watched part of an Amy Schumer comedy special and part of the Amy Schumer movie and I don’t understand how she can be billed as a comedian. She is horrible. It was painful to watch her. She’s got a slightly different spin on the urban female, self-loathing angst routine that has been done over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.’s the Entertainment Industry. She is extremely well connected in all the ways that matter in that world. She will be on your screen for the remainder of your natural life regardless of her lack of talent or looks.
She is not funny.
She ties with Dane Cook as the only people that have never even got a chuckle out of me. Must be generational.