Excellent question Fungi!
Ping to ziravan. Can you answer this question?
Why are you pinging me? I haven’t posted in this thread, I answered that question as a speculation in the thread you refer to and I have taken no position on H1Bs except to speculate that the Orlando market probably has more theme park IT needs than people living there or willing to relocate there.
My principle point wasn’t about H1Bs at all. I will say that to the extent we bring in people legally, we should be looking at people who have something to bring to our economy. I’m an RN and I’ve worked with numerous H1Bs over the years, usually Filipino or Canadian, but that’s a different story because I was never replaced by one.
I don’t really care about H1Bs. Eliminate them for all I care.
That wasn’t my point in your cross thread reference.
My point was that Disney IT has sucked for years. Their whole IT department seriously needed to be replaced. Being an American doesn’t entitle you to a job even if you suck at it. That was my only point.