Everyone involved in the exchanges, in Chicago, ( it used to be a VERY SMALL community ) knew what was done ( Red Bone had done this before !)when he was handcuffed on the floor and dragged out of the building by the police. We just didn't know then, WHO he had done it for.
Been on the floor a few times. I didn’t floor trade. I traded physicals and specialized in non floor traded commodities and on stuff on floor traded basis. Ran the icky “Chinese Fire Drill” of moving bean meal from the river Platte to India or psyllium husk from Arizona to Taiwan because it keeps their pigs from farting and stinking up the island or safflower oil from Mexican growers to the oil pressers to Unilever Europe or Mitsubishi trading company Japan or California oils and handling the logistics technical and commercial issues as well. Heck, I even assisted on a deal to bring special Oscar Meijer dogs to some department store Japanese sports team stadium. (FYI. the OM food scientist told me the best way to make a dog. Boil a cpl quarts of water. Add a pkg of fridge temp dogs and cover and wait 10 minutes.)
Hell. I was deposed about oil to Haiti when the baby doc thing happened. Was an ugly mess.
Glad that job is so far in my past.