Obama has no good in him. None.
Obama is demonic. Everything he says are Lies and everything he loves (sodomy and abortion) are the Rites of Ba’al Worship.
His problem is that he HATES the Constitution because of the Individual Natural Rights from God which is only from the most rational religion in ALL of history: Christianity.
Only the Christian worldview created the most brilliant, free cultures in the World. Why? Because it is based in Natural Laws (God’s Laws) and it is scientific-—based on Reason and Logic and Individual dignity and worth, unlike all other collective, socialist, Eastern “worldviews” which kill off individuals, who don’t think and act like the “group”-—which is always a State-led and controlled ideology (Slavery).
Christianity is the most brilliant rational religion in the history of mankind—and we better take it back and put it into our Justice System again, or we will end like all pagan, satanic, sodomite cultures in the past.....in total chaos and tyranny with all the children corrupted.