I read three of his books, read every news article I could find, followed other Freepers comments, and decided he was the one that most closely aligned with my thinking of what this country needs.
I still like Cruz a lot and hope he is Trumps VP but we need more than a politician, however conservative he might be, at this time in our history.
People talk about Trump flip flopping on the issues but if you read his books you can see clearly that he has the same theme running throughout his life.
1. He believes in family.
2. He believes in people and their abilities. .
3. He believes in law and order. He believes laws should be followed and punished if they are not. .
4. He believes in a strong military but does not want to take military action if it is not necessary. .
5. He believes in education. He thinks schools are cheating our kids. .
6. He believes in borders and granting citizenship only to those who would be a plus to our country as a whole. .
7. He believes that people should pull their own weight and government programs should be temporary except for the disabled and elderly. .
8. He believes in keeping Social Security and Medicare. .
9. He believes in taking care of our Vets. .
10. He believes our country should be treated fairly in any agreement we have with other countries. .
11. He believes that people should have health insurance. He formerly believed that single payer was a good idea but after Obamacare passed he changed his mind and now believes that competition and tort reform are the answer to the problem. He does believe that the poor should be helped but thinks there are better ways to do it than Obamacare. .
He makes no mention in his books about social issues so I take him at his word that he has changed his opinion on abortion.
I believe he is loyal and will listen to those who elect him if he wins. I think he will repay our support of him with following through with defunding PP. We have had his back and I believe he will have ours.
He is not a politician and he is not an ideologue. He is a person who cares deeply about his country and his fellow citizens. In other words, he is pretty much like us.
Ping to post 30
You are on spot with everything you said!!!
People are listening, reading and studying Trump and I have read all his books, couldn’t agree with you more...he was brought to believe what he is today and has never missed a step....
I have on order his new book ‘Crippled America’ can’t wait to read it...I believe this will explain to all of us what he has in store for us and this Great Nation....
Trump;Trump;Trump; getting louder and stronger.....
Thank you for your well researched analysis. Donald Trump is a good man and an American Patriot. America would be well served with him as POTUS.