They can say whatever they like.
In a world where Trump pulls in 10, 20, and 30 thousand people to a political event, and Carson pulls in 10, 20, and 30 tens of people to an event, I’m not buying into them being tied.
Why not just say that Carson has four times the following of Trump? I mean if you’re going to manipulate the figures to this degree, why not go all the way?
“And up here in this corner of the doll house we see Ben Carson with his dog Chewey. See how much more presidential he looks than that mean old Trump man?”
“Yeah aunt Niblets, but this is a doll house. I think mom’s right, maybe you’ve gone round the bend.”
Don't you just hate those polls that contradict your thoughts?
They can say whatever they like.
In a world where Trump pulls in 10, 20, and 30 thousand people to a political event, and Carson pulls in 10, 20, and 30 tens of people to an event, Im not buying into them being tied.
Why not just say that Carson has four times the following of Trump? I mean if youre going to manipulate the figures to this degree, why not go all the way?
He probably does is you poll just the previously conjoined twin demographic.
I want to see polls that include registered indys along with reg gop voters. It would give a more accurate number.
Exactly. Who are you going to believe? This one poll or your lying eyes? There’s no way Carson will win the nomination. He would be a totally ineffective as President.