He’s correct - but Donald, don’t say what “WE” did there. Always say - what OBAMA and CLINTON did there.
They assassinated Khaddafi and turned Libya into a failed, violent, Jihadi state — for what reason???
re: Hes correct - but Donald, dont say what WE did there. Always say - what OBAMA and CLINTON did there.
Trump was referring to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 to take out Saddam Hussein.
So, if people are now regretting the deposing of Saddam Hussein, then to be fair, Obama had nothing to do with it. Hillary VOTED FOR IT as Senator.
Obama however has EVERY RESPONSIBILITY for what happened after 2008 after the successful surge and the Anbar Awakening. But that had nothing to do with what Trump was referring to.
The destruction of stability in the middle-east began with Bush-43 attack on Iraq, done on a credit card, with borrowed money from China. We will pay interest on that cost for ever because there are no budget surpluses to pay off the principle.