islam is a mental virus for the totalitarian takeover of all people and territory.
Dear Lord please strike these people dead and save our country.
I’m willing to pay a LOT MORE in taxes to house illegals and refugees next door to Madeleine Albright... all of us in flyover would be grateful to Madeleine if she and her neighbors would show us the joy of helping illegals and refugees assimilate...
Thousands of refugees can be scattered all throughout the 5 wealthiest ZIP codes around DC NOT just next door to Madeleine... Liberal elites around DC can show us how superior their kindness is to ours... by example.
Yes, it’ll be costly to tear down liberal elite McMansions... to make way for these housing projects but it’ll be sooooooo worth the price. Liberal elites can SHOW us the way... The rubes in flyover can see how their betters handle the situation...
Tear down two McMansions every few blocks and build 3 story public housing refugee specials... House a few hundred single men from the ME... in liberal elite BACKYARDS...
You are so wise and good Madeleine Albright - your neighbors will admire YOU for bringing these men to YOUR neighborhood... to THEIR neighborhood.
Click on this link Madeleine... it’s how MUCH YOU’LL BE HELPING:(not for the faint of heart or the squeamish)