Then, having fed the monster, what stops him from gaining the nomination and losing badly to Sanders or Biden?
That’s just it, isn’t it?
For at least three elections now (including this one) establishment Republicans have said we have to vote for the next best evil to stop [ooga booga] whoever (Obama, Hillary, Sanders, even (hee hee) Biden - go figure that one).....
They (establishment) say that when our guy gets the nomination “fall in and toe the line!” You HAVE to vote for him. But, apparently, that doesn’t go for Trump, huh?
Look, Sowell just compared Trump to Adolph Hitler for cripes sake! Apparently, the RNC loyalty oath only works one way. Now you’re calling him a monster because he just may succeed in taking down Jeb Bush?
Lastly, your supposition that a Trump nominee would lose to a Sanders or a Biden. To me that is entirely speculative and the polling doesn’t support it as I can see.
When my state primary is held, I’ll be voting for Ted Cruz. But if Trump wins the nomination, I’ll vote for him. Something I absolutely not do for Jeb Bush.
“Then, having fed the monster, what stops him from gaining the nomination and losing badly to Sanders or Biden?”
Oh, about 65 percent of the electorate.