Thank you, a good Christian woman who honors Jesus Christ.
We all know where this is heading, Pastors and Priests who refuse to officiate same sex weddings and churches that refuse to hold SS weddings. Imprisonment, loss of tax status, loss of job or business. Now we get to stand with our Lord and I say, “yes Lord, hallelujah!”
For Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory, forever amen!
Due to the ones who are committing an abomination. They are anti-G-d, which, I guess, means they are Satanic. Whoa. First time I realized that’s what homosexuals are.
“We all know where this is heading, Pastors and Priests who refuse to officiate same sex weddings and churches that refuse to hold SS weddings. Imprisonment, loss of tax status, loss of job or business. Now we get to stand with our Lord and I say, yes Lord, hallelujah!
The Mark of the Beast, preventing those who don’t have it in their hands or heads from working, and providing for themselves and their families that is spoken of in Scripture begins to become clearer doesn’t it.
Christians will soon be prevented from any freedoms if they don’t embrace this abomination. Bless you Kim Davis!