If Donald Trump were running for president in 1860: “Dred Scott was a terrible decision, but the Supreme Court has ruled and it is the law of the land. Time to move on.”
If Donald Trump were running for president in 1944: “Placing American citizens in concentration camps and taking away their property is a terrible thing, but the Supreme Court has ruled and it is the law of the land. Time to move on.”
If Donald Trump were running for president in 1952: “Segregation is a terrible thing, but the Supreme Court has ruled and it is the law of the land. Time to move on.”
If Donald Trump were running for president in 1972: “Killing an unborn child for the sake of convenience is a terrible thing, but the Supreme Court has ruled and it is the law of the land. Time to move on.”
If Donald Trump were running for president in 2015 - - - it’s time to move on.