I know that you know already know this since you posted over there in the earlier thread as well. In fact you are using the same bullet list in both places.
So what's going on here? You guys are such trolls that you are willing to pollute Free Republic with two of the worst leftist tampons in existence while you simultaneously accuse Trump of being a leftist. Am I leaving anything out? How low will y'all stoop?
You guys really are your candidates' ( *allegedly* Cruz ) own worst enemies.
Trumps wife is spiffy but Bill’s wife looks like this
There’s no grand conspiracy here so you really outta relax. Truth is I would never post anything needlessly malicious toward any true conservative. Unfortunately, Trump is no conservative.
Yes he says the right things... sometimes (just recently he praised Canada’s and Scotland’s single payer insurance program and only a few years ago he ripped into Romney for being too ‘mean’ on illegal immigration). The truth is he is paying lip-service only. He is a reflection of you in the mirror, not himself and its no wonder why so many people like them, they see themselves in Trump... but not who he truly is.
Trumps conservative transformation didn’t really come to fruition until 2011, one year after the tea party wave, while deciding if he wanted to run for president. Read the tea leaves here, the guy was a liberal all his life... saw a tea party wave and saw an opportunity that he could possibly ride all the way to the white house.
Illegal immigration is a problem, and yes China is not our friend. But Trump is no mantle bearer for Conservatism, even though he plays one on TV.
Now I won’t apologize for trying to shine a light on this. FR is probably the last bastion of unfiltered, unwatered down conservatism on the net... and thats why its disheartening to me to see so many people here falling for this guy’s whole fabricated facade. In hindsight, yeah this topic probably didn’t need another thread... at least not one by me so soon. And I will be mindful of such things in the future.