When Romney pointed out Obummer's failures..the media criticized Romney's wealth.
When Conservatives criticize Obummer's job..it's racists.
Trump has NOTHING to do with what we don't know about Obummer's failures..WE KNOW them and MSM don't care.
NO ONE, and I mean, NO ONE helps the Democrat Party more than Boehner, McConnell and the GOP Establishment.
“Democrats for Trump”
“Democrats for Romney”
which of the above bumper stickers would you order in bulk for resale?
Well, it looks like O’Reilly and Trump have something in common then...
Yo, Ted O’Baxter! Hurting the gOpee is NOT the same as helping the democRAT party. You’re welcome.
Gosh no! we are sure scared now
My wife religiously watched Fox News every night when she came home from work. It was the only reason I kept Directv so long.
After Megynnnnn’s performance she stopped watching. I am now in the process of quitting Directv altogether and going local cheaper cable. BOR can just s@ck it.
BOR....needs to ride of into the sunset with MehGYN. Both have become completely irrelevant.
Oh well, we better go back to electing the same old, same old again....
This is just a BOR stunt to see if he can take the heat off of Smegyn Kelly.
It’s not true, but it is a talking point being disseminated from the RNC.
The condescention of O’Reilly is unbearable. Never watch him and DON’T need to read what he has to say.
True, but it seems to me that shining a light on the Democratic record isn't the main purpose of this phase of the campaign, especially with so many candidates for the GOP nomination. Now is when you get to know the candidates.
Most of them will in part show their strengths by their forcefulness and effectiveness in opposing everything in the Democratic record. But the main time for open-air surgery on it is after the major candidates are identified.
It looks to me as if things are happening that need to happen. Voters need enough information to form a real bond with the GOP (or conservative) candidates first, so they will show up on Election Day, regardless of the media-enabled BS that has been filling the skies.
I guess the short form is that BOR doesn't favor Trump.
Three points, Bill:
One the rest of the field always gangs-up on the frontrunner. That fact has nothing to do with Trump.
Two, there is nothing to stop anyone from talking about Trump AND Obama's failures. It's not one or the other.
And three, you and Megyn need a break from all this exhausting political stuff. The two of you could rent a tour bus and travel the country. You could sell those ghost-written books of yours at rest stops. And Megyn could sell 8 by 10 glossies of herself in various cutsie poses.
O’Baxter, the chief spinner in the “No Spin Zone”.
God knows, I can not stand that man.
Mr. O’Reilly, I am a bit confused and perhaps you can help me. Was Trump running for President in January, February, March or April? During those months were not these failures of the Obama administration that you point to front and center and in full view? I believe they were and Trump was not running nor had he really hinted at it so as to be taken remotely seriously. Fair to say, he was not sucking the Oxygen out of the room.
But it was the worst kept secret that people in the GOP like Christie, like Paul, like Jeb!, like Rubio, were going to run. The GOP controlled both houses of congress. Where were these soon to be candidates and Boehner and McConnell pointing out Obama’s failures and aggressively seeking to prevent more? For that matter, where was Mr. Romney in the last election (as another poster just pointed out)?
These people were being intimidated by the MSM and political correctness into being good little lap dogs, too afraid to say what was truly necessary. As for the “leaders” in congress they were too afraid to exercise their given powers under the Constitution. The last election!?!? It would make a great Servpro commercial, it was like it never happened.
Trump is not my candidate, not by a long shot. His prior positions are troubling to me. But this guy serves a purpose and I hope he sticks around. He is plowing the political field and planting it anew. And what a field it was. One which made it impossible, almost de facto illegal, for any who dare oppose the leftward march to say or do anything against leftist dogma lest a mob of hate filled thugs show up at their door, terrorize them on the internet, ostracize them, jail them for “hate crimes”, take away their property, probe them with the IRS, etc. etc.
The question to me is this. Once you elites in the media and inside the GOPe get your wish and the voters (and it will be the voters) fade Trump away, will whoever is left play in the newly plowed field or go back to being an apologist, democrat-lite coward (otherwise known as Jeb Bush)? Speaking for myself, I will not support another candidate from the surrender wing of the GOP.
I don’t get how Trump talking about what terrible shape our country is in is helping demoncrats.
Meet my political adviser.