I like all of it but that. That is not pro life. That "life of the mother" thing opens the door for business as usual for the abortion industry.
Furthermore, what crime has a baby committed by being a result of rape or incest? Those babies have done nothing wrong and deserve life too.
I guess I'm an extremist when it comes to murdering babies.
That having been said, Trump is way more right on this issue than any baby murdering liberal.
I agree with your point about him not being what we would say 100% pro life. But we are not going to get a perfect candidate.
I tend to agree with you. Those who espouse that line need to furnish statistics where that would appear to be the case.
Actually that position would stop better than 95% of abortions.
You are confusing the terms “Life of the mother” with “Health of the mother”
The demonrats like the term health because it can be stretched to include things like mental anguish
If you stop 95% then you effectively stop the others because there won’t be the huge abortion industry - they can’t make money on that few
I would support your position, if individuals who commit rape were castrated.