Worst synopsis EVER!!
Anita Hoge is a housewife turned education advocate for the past 20 years. She is amazing to listen to. Here is a 3 hr interview between her and John B Wells on Caravan to Midnight.
Another great education reformer is Charlotte Iserbyt (worked in the Reagan dept of Education). Together they are fighting the powers that are fighting to dumb down the public school system. The main forces behind this assault are the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. They both advocate for local control and home schooling.
Info with links - Congress page is currently down.
Alice Linahan hosts the Women On the Wall Conference Call with special guest Antia Hoge on the devastating agenda behind the Re-Authorization of ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965)Here is a link to the full conference call~
Documents and links to prove Anita in right.
HR5 - www.congress.gov/114/bills/hr5/BILLS-114hr5pcs.pdf
Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative
Anita Hoge’s post Just the Page HR5 Student Success Act
Response to Intervention & Positive Behavior
Intervention and Supports Data Based Individualization-
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support and Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Process Document
Bump for after coffee.