I saw this on twitter.
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To: sheikdetailfeather
2 posted on
08/23/2015 3:03:39 PM PDT by
To: sheikdetailfeather
He wants to be
perhaps three times a loser.....lalala
3 posted on
08/23/2015 3:05:08 PM PDT by
The Ghost of FReepers Past
(Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light..... Isaiah 5:20)
To: sheikdetailfeather
Why not? McCain and Dole are also available. And G. Bush Sr. is still eligible to run.
4 posted on
08/23/2015 3:05:11 PM PDT by
To: sheikdetailfeather
WAY better to spend time on Lake Winnipesaukee.
5 posted on
08/23/2015 3:05:14 PM PDT by
(Ive given up on aphostrophys and spell chek on my current device...)
To: sheikdetailfeather
There was no enthusiasm for him when he threw his hat in the ring before. Does he honestly think that has changed in the last few months?
8 posted on
08/23/2015 3:06:57 PM PDT by
(We Can Elect Ted Cruz! Pray Hard, Work Hard, Trust God!)
To: sheikdetailfeather
There goes Ann Coulter’s vote for Trump. :(
9 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:17 PM PDT by
(Cut the crap!)
To: sheikdetailfeather
Why is everybody SO afraid of Trump?
10 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:19 PM PDT by
("One day I will leave this world and dream myself to Reality" Crazy Horse)
To: sheikdetailfeather
What? and have to spend his own money to lose again?
12 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:29 PM PDT by
(Life's tough.It's tougher when you're stupid.)
To: sheikdetailfeather
The Cheap Labor express is getting desperate, they can’t sell us on ¡Yeb! or Rubberio or any of their other candidates, so they figure they’ll trot out severely conservative Mitt Romney.......
13 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:30 PM PDT by
(Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
To: sheikdetailfeather
wife badgering him thinking about getting in Won't hurt Trump. Will probably help him by sweeping away the politically correct candidates in the crowd.
14 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:31 PM PDT by
Jim W N
To: sheikdetailfeather
Well that should solidify the Trump lead.
Trump would feel free to lay into Romney with both barrels if this happens and we all know how poorly Mitt fights back.
15 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:33 PM PDT by
Jim from C-Town
(The government is rarely benevolent, often malevolent and never benign!)
To: sheikdetailfeather
What an ego. No one wants Romney. Outside of Utah and the DC HQ, that is.
16 posted on
08/23/2015 3:07:51 PM PDT by
To: sheikdetailfeather
Mr. RomneyCARE, imposer of gay marriage
and polygamy, and he who proposes
giving healthcare to Islamic terrorists,
IS BACK !!!!!!
Who better defines the lying, backstabbing,
treasonous, and unConstitutional GOP?
17 posted on
08/23/2015 3:08:10 PM PDT by
("When a crime is unpunished, the world is unbalanced.")
To: sheikdetailfeather
To: sheikdetailfeather
please God, NO!!! Let this be a joke! Romney can go on another Mormon Missionary Trip. Lets send him to Syria!
To: sheikdetailfeather
Further proof that the GOPe and the ‘rats are wings of the same party. RINOmney has to get in to keep the plan on track.
21 posted on
08/23/2015 3:08:58 PM PDT by
(''Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small''~ Theodore Dalrymple)
To: sheikdetailfeather
I think he “thinks” he’s “thinking” about it?
22 posted on
08/23/2015 3:09:13 PM PDT by
(Cut the crap!)
To: sheikdetailfeather
I’m thinking:
Pot or Kettle
Kettle or Pot
Pot or Kettle
I take Trump/Cruz. I’m tired of losing gracefully.
To: sheikdetailfeather
Does the GOPe really believe there is a ounce of difference in Yeb & Mittens?
That Romney could steal Trump supporters.
On what planet?
27 posted on
08/23/2015 3:11:13 PM PDT by
To: sheikdetailfeather
Not enough RINOs so ... Super RINO!
28 posted on
08/23/2015 3:12:28 PM PDT by
(This is the age of the death of reason and rule of law. Prepare!)
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