Right to Rise blames Bush Campaign for Jeb's collapse!
Bush Campaign blames Right to Rise for Jeb's collapse!
Grab some popcorn!
Right to Rise wants Bush Campaign to fire Sally Bradshaw!
Bush Campaign wants Right to Rise to fire Mike Murphy!
Grab some popcorn!
The statist Kasich is stuck in the basement and in the basement he will stay. He will never contend...the time for yesterday’s news candidates such as him have passed.
I wonder if Lil’ Jebbie will be able to blow through his 100 mil. War chest before he bows out. He is done, no more Bushes, no more Crooktins.
This is amazing. Kasich is starting to be seen as a better bet to take Trump out of the race.
Jeb Kasich - for when you really want a RINO but just cant take another Bush.
Mark Steyn said is well, and I paraphrase: It is unseemly in a republic for 3 of the last 5 presidents to be from the same family.
Bush should not be considered for a variety of reasons. One of the most significant, if not the most significant, is that his name is Bush. Freedom loving peoples should fight against dynasties.
“Oh, Crap, do you mean that we really CAN’T buy the Presidency?”
The Cheap Labor Express is worried that their standard bearer is flailing and failing.
Kasich and Rubberio are on deck to carry the flag of surrender of the country.
This was always the GOPe ticket that they were going to ram down our throats- Bush-Kasich 2016. Looks like that’s going to get Trumped now.
Down goes Yebbie!, down goes yebbie!
Geeeee ..??? What happened to Jeb’s $140 mil ..???
He was supposed to be THE ONE .. because of his MONEY.
I’m tellin’ ya, the public is in a rage over the Republican Elites thinking they are the be all, end all of the world.