No, that’s not good enough, either Cruz joined the batshit (your description) crazy guy who set this up or he didn’t.
It calls into question a presidential candidates’ judgment.
I’ve pointed out before that Cruz may be very, very smart, but he certainly lacks the wisdom that most of us have.
Ok you are obviously not getting the Christian part of this.\
There is not a thing wrong with a mans judgement who tries to ease the suffering of others.
If you truly think that way, you are much more lost than I can help you with.
Why don’t you answer one of my questions?
Would you have let those children die in the desert?
Would you have set back, had a good laugh as they plucked those bodies out of the sand?
This was an private charity event. Not a government program.
A true conservative would recognize the difference.
A real man steps up and protects those who are weaker than he is with out hesitation.
Once again that”Love Thy Neighbor” thing was not a suggestion, it also doesn’t say “love only thy American neighbor”, but I don’t guess any of that matters to you.