Who says we want you?
I won’t lose any sleep Mark. Stay Democrat.
If you stand for everything, you stand for nothing.
Yeah, because anti-abortion, anti-affirmative action, or anti-whatever-the-plank Democrats get so far in their party.
Try to get elected as a D opposing abortion, higher taxes, school choice, and a dozen other issues that are CONSENSUS to the D’s.
He’s full of sh!t.
The sooner Mark Cuban has surgery to correct cranial-rectal inversion, the better.
I think he’s a RINO. He should try to persuade the Dems to pick up his ecoomic platform and see how far he gets with them (without opening his wallet).
Sounds like he wants to be a Megan McCain “republican.” Sorry chief, we’ve already got one of those.
All Democrats block vote 97% of the time.
There is more diversity of thought on our side than theirs. Period. There are zero pro-life Democrats allowed. Zero. They’ll get pulled from the stage at the convention.
We have Ron Paul people, we have pro-choice people, we have war-mongers and we have isolationists, and a lot in between.
Cuban is a lot like Trump where he invests little time in understanding the nuances and accepts a lot of the generalities. Both have things to be admired but neither have the true pulse of voters and their preferences.
The man is an abject idiot. He has no idea what a RINO is. He should stick to what he knows.
Cuban is either ignorant, disingenuous or both.
The problem with (both) parties is everyone has sold out American jobs to China, who now exports more than America does, and that is growing rapidly.
Get with Donald, Mark. Donald is saying we need to rebuild our own manufacturing.
I completely support Trump on this (and several prominent agenda items) but he is the only candidate saying a single work about the massive sell-out.
Stand up Mark. Be for bringing back US jobs.
Lots, and lots, and lots of them.
The only reason I am a republican is that the crazy’s in the republican party don’t scare me as much as the crazy’s in the democratic party... withy the crazy’s in the republican part I don’t feel they will damage the country where in the democratic party they are damaging the country.
He can have my seat. I left the room a while ago.
Let Cuban keep paying protection money in the form of campaign cash to the Democrats. If Pres. Sanders confiscates 90% of his income and gives it to the Poor, he should feel so good about himself.
How many Dems are openly pro-life? How many support the 2nd amendment? I could go on and on. The Dems require a lockstep adherence to their ideology. In terms of a “big tent of ideas” the GOP is far more diverse and accepting of different points of view.
He sounds like a perfect fit for most of the GOPe. They care about social issues like the Dems care about blacks.
Pray America is waking
What?!? All they do IS put up RINOs (media and the Party)and elect RINOs (media and the Party). That's not a scarlet letter, it's a badge of honor.
It's the conservatives that are treated this way, by the same entities he cites.