I want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, but Reagan formulated positions years in advance while Trump is still evolving. RED ALERT, RED ALERT, RED ALERT!
Doesn’t that sound just like what Obama, Hillary! and every RINO has said on things like SSM, abortion, guns and etc.?
So giving him the benefit of the doubt I listened to the entire interview. I heard a guy who has no trouble stealing my tax money for a tax exempt (for profit in all but status) organization to the tune of $500 million. Abortions are a third of their business and Trump’s so seriously pro-life that he doesn’t have those basic stats available for a telephone interview?
He let the CNN newsreader lie about the 3% figure for abortion. Trump doesn’t know squat but button-pushing talking points and when pressed he fades.
It’s a softball interview from CNN the Clinton News Network. He goes after Rubio’s position on abortion and buys the lie that the baby risks the mother’s life. He’s still formulating a policy on women’s pay. We know that’s a lie as well. He’s all over the place.
Trump has done yeoman’s work on immigration, but he’s late to the game or out to lunch on a host of basic issues that make up conservatism. He’s not a conservative.
At best he’s a NY RINO ala Al D’Amato or Rudy Giuliani. Now that’s not the most conservative electable candidate in this primary race. Trump’s not a serious candidate and he’s no conservative.
I guess you’d be more comfortable voting for Jethro Bush, then.