Trump isn’t the only one they cut ties with last night.
They’re kidding themselves if they think this hasn’t hurt the network.
We’ve all seen Fox slip. The is the Jump the Shark moment.
Good night Fox...
No mas.
Wanna bet?
You can go check their ratings which are available on multiple websites. Kelly is destroying her competition. Fox is doing better in her new time slot than they’ve ever done before.
They just got the best ratings in their entire history, and you think the network is slipping?
I think your Trumpster bias is clouding your thinking here.
My expectations going in were pretty darned low, not having watched Fox in years, and I wasn’t disappointed.
But as you point out, a lot of conservatives were stuned to see Fox’s A-team acting like SeeBS. Too many ‘gotcha’ questions, like they were 60 Minutes, screw that.
Trump isnt the only one they cut ties with last night.
Theyre kidding themselves if they think this hasnt hurt the network.
Weve all seen Fox slip. The is the Jump the Shark moment.
Good night Fox...
No mas.
Time for a Fox boycott, they totally Pearl Harbored Trump.
And he was gracious to Jeb in spite of the quotes Jeb denied so unconvincingly