1 posted on
08/02/2015 3:59:19 PM PDT by
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To: South40
Anybody but Obama would be a better president.
2 posted on
08/02/2015 4:01:00 PM PDT by
(Voting is acting white.)
To: South40
Joe’s not as venal and vicious, nor as competent, as Hitlery. He’s just a blabbering idiot. So Joe.
3 posted on
08/02/2015 4:01:28 PM PDT by
(Obama lies, Granny dies.)
To: South40
The people elected a muslim twice. They’ll definitely vote for a brain damaged Joe Biden because they know he really is one of them.
4 posted on
08/02/2015 4:01:50 PM PDT by
(Since you're so much smarter than me, don't waste your time insulting me. I won't understand it.)
To: South40
Her heinous will be upset.
Expect Bidens medical records to be leaked.
5 posted on
08/02/2015 4:02:05 PM PDT by
(Those who support liberal "Republicans" summarily support every action by same.)
To: South40
It’s a trick question. (ala My Cousin Vinny)
7 posted on
08/02/2015 4:03:35 PM PDT by
To: South40
The one with a vagina of course.
8 posted on
08/02/2015 4:04:20 PM PDT by
Kid Shelleen
(Beat your plowshares into swords. Let the weak say I am strong)
To: South40
9 posted on
08/02/2015 4:06:08 PM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: South40; MeshugeMikey
Saul Alinsky.
Why vote for the lesser evil? Give the DUmasses what they want.
11 posted on
08/02/2015 4:07:32 PM PDT by
a fool in paradise
("Psychopathia Sexualis, I'm in love with a horse that comes from Dallas" - Lenny Bruce (1958))
To: South40
Joe McCarthy, no doubt about it.
To: South40
To: South40
She’s dishonest, he’s a moron. Take your pick.
21 posted on
08/02/2015 4:12:40 PM PDT by
To: South40
My 15 year old, incontinent dog.
(He won’t stain the WH furniture. He wears a diaper.
He won’t steal it either.)
If I can’t pick him, I pick old, incontinent Joe.
(If he’s not now, he probably will be soon.)
26 posted on
08/02/2015 4:17:52 PM PDT by
(All Hail the Uni-Party!!!!)
To: South40
29 posted on
08/02/2015 4:19:04 PM PDT by
To: South40
Who would make a better neurosurgeon, Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?
To: South40
Tough question. I’d have to say Joe.
He’s not smart enough to be devious, at least not on Hillary’s level. On the other hand he might bumble us into just as much trouble.
34 posted on
08/02/2015 4:27:06 PM PDT by
To: South40
Of the two, I’d have to pick Joe “Fredo” Biden. He can handle things! He’s smart! Not like everybody says....like dumb. He’s smart and he wants respect!
To: South40
Just wait until we get the majority in both houses, then we will show them.
That is all I heard.
Well we got one, what have we got? Not jack shit.
Might as well elect slow Joe and we can get some laughs.
I am not joking.
36 posted on
08/02/2015 4:41:06 PM PDT by
(It is not heaven, it is Iowa. Everyone gets a "Corn Check")
To: South40
A flaming bag of dog poop could do a better job than either of them. And I’ll throw Jeb in there for free! ;)
37 posted on
08/02/2015 4:44:24 PM PDT by
Diana in Wisconsin
(I don't have 'Hobbies.' I'm developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set...)
To: South40
Who would make a better President? Goofy or Pluto? Elmer Fudd or Yosemite Sam?
38 posted on
08/02/2015 4:47:53 PM PDT by
(it's true!)
To: South40
Mrs. Bill is corruption personified. Biden would be a remote puppet for Hussein or for whoever it is who is pulling the Sultan’s strings. We might even find that V J is still in yhr WH.
39 posted on
08/02/2015 4:50:42 PM PDT by
(it's true!)
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