Hillary could certainly be beaten by an Obama-like candidate, say a Hispanic “Brown Obama” as I’ve posited so many times that you’re probably sick of it.
She could be beaten by Al Gore, theoretically, if he pulls himself out of mothballs, which I doubt he will.
By Biden, theoretically, if there’s a full moon on Super Tuesday and the temperature in hell gets down to about 45-50 degrees.
But not by Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders is unelectable in a general election (yes, I say he is). The democrat power brokers and billionaire money bags know this, so in the event he turns out to be a real threat to her (which I doubt) they won’t let him win, period.
O’Malley is a joke so I no longer think he can beat her.
Jefferson Davis Chafee certainly can’t beat her.
Jim Webb is a piece of garbage a-hole but I think he qualitys as “to her right” so LOL no.
Bottom line, unless we’re surprised by a new late entry, or Justice A. Kennedy decides the 22nd amendment is superceeded by something he pulls out of his *ss, there’a a close to a 100% chance she’s the nominee, IMO.
Hillary Clinton = Marcia Coakley.
“The rightful heir” that can’t win the big one.
There are a LOT true believers in Sanders who think Shillary is a sell out. Sanders is drawing the crowds, Hillary can’t fill a phone booth. That in itself doesn’t translate into votes.
Shillary’s team will not hesitate to crucify Sanders, then spit on his corpse, if that’s what it takes. But if it comes to that, those true believers which comprise the far left base who worked their tails off for Zero will be even more disillusioned with Shrill.
I’m not so sure that Biden couldn’t beat her. It would be interesting to watch. Biden is a buffoon, but he’s likable and would have more appeal to Indies, I think. He certainly wouldn’t lack for financial backing.
the pundits agree that Hillary will be the nominee and so do the betting sites.
she is at 84%.
the scenario is that different people beat her in different places and knock her out ... opening the race to new people jumping in. Cuomo or someone.
I doubt the schedule allows it. Filing deadlines and such. New candidates could compete in caucus states.
Not many late caucuses. Frontloading.