I remember going into a bank. There was a short line outside to be screened by a guard, an elderly man with an Uzi in his lap. The old guy looked me over, checked my plastic shopping bag (just groceries) and waved me in. Once inside there were three late teen girls waiting ahead of me to see the teller. All had slung M-16s .
Imagine if our idiotic U.S. security apparatus (think TSA) had to make the thinking-required distinction as that guard did, namely that certain people, even with serious weaponry, pose no threat; others need to be kept the hell out; and the rest need to open the grocery bag before going in.
They do this in the Philippines too. Usually 3 guys (young, not old) with street sweepers. Philippine malls are definitely NOT gun free zones. I have never seen so many heavily armed people in such small areas. They have their own problems with muzzies and commies.
Does Israel have feral urban youths to worry about? I do like the idea of conscription (for young men) and especially like the idea of putting some Schumer, Bader-Ginsburg & Cuomo men (or males at least) into uniform.