Nah, she's probably lying.
It’s just a money thing, her Jewish supports probably understand this all too well. However she probably doesn’t stay bought. It’s a Democrat thing.
“Nah, she’s probably lying.”
Herself, Madame Benghazi, the Cold & Joyless, is skilled at the art of taqiyya, the practice of advancing the objectives of Islam through deception. Claiming to be in favor of protecting the interests of Israel, while working feverishly to subvert those interests to the advantage of Islam, is just one example of how Herself applies this philosophy.
Herself STILL thinks of all Jews as “FJB’s”. Regardless of whether they vote for Herself or not.
Herself will cheerfully collect any contributions from them and turn around and kick their collective butts. If unable to connect with their heads or ribs.
The Democrat party as a whole is a pro-Islam, anti-Israel, wholly owned subsidiary of the George Soros international money cartel, which works for the further subjugation of that territory once known as “the United States of America”.
Lying is an ingrained trait in HRC, as it is with most leftists!