This is a judgment leveled by a bureaucracy under a bureaucratic statute. It hasn’t even been in the lowest court. There is much battle to come on this issue.
Let’s hope the bakery doesn’t fold. This definitely needs to be taken all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. We’ll probably lose regardless, but Americans need to wake up! Gay marriage will trump the civil rights of freedom of association, free exercise of religion, and private property rights, just like those rights were sacrificed to end discrimination against blacks.
“This is a judgment leveled by a bureaucracy under a bureaucratic statute. It hasnt even been in the lowest court.”
This whole travesty was deliberately kept at the bureaucratic level and out of a courtroom where justice might have inadvertently prevailed.
And old Brad is gayer than Paul Lynde sleeping over at Liberace’s house on Oscar night.
There is a judgement coming for all these people, and it isn’t from some corrupt low-level bureaucrat either.