There is one thing he has that I wish the rest had without injections. Testosterone. Cruz has it but the rest can’t rise to the level of pissed off lap dogs in their capacity for any aggression. Hell they can’t rise at all. They just roll over and show their bellies to whatever Alpha lib growls at them.
When the litter is amongst itself they are all sorts of aggressive though. toward each other. Trump is unburdened with such cowardice.
“..Testosterone. ...”
True that. It comes from haveing “F*** You Money”. And he’s got PLENTY of it.
As for Ted Cruz - who I am whole-heartedly supporting and will WRITE IN his name if it comes to it - I think he’s got plenty of it, but does the more sly in-your-face responses to them - which drives the left nuts. They don’t - can’t - get under his skin.
Love watching him manipulate the mediots. It’s refreshing.